Monday, October 15, 2012


by me

Your hero should be honest and true,
And one who really cares about you.
Someone who says hi,
And not just flies you by.

A hero has a golden heart
That is never hardly ever tart
It's not the cape or tights
But the urge to make things right.

My heroes don’t fly
Or mock me when I cry.
Some help me with my math,
Or set me on the right path.

Heroes can be found in all different shapes and sizes.
If you look in the mirror you might find surprises.
I have a special hero. I'll give you a clue
and that courageous someone is YOU! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Home Work

Now if you have read the tittle you are probably thinking that this post is going to be on the negative side of home work since I am a kid. Well, your right.
I DON'T GET HOMEWORK!!!!!!!! When ever kids ask their teachers: "Why do we have homework?" and they answer in their 'I know everything' voice', "Its practice!" Well, well, well teachers prepare to meet your match! Here is a question  that I bet you can't answer! are you ready??? WHY ARE WE GRADED ON HOME WORK IF ITS PRACTICE??????????? Burn! In your face teachers. (Please teachers, don't answer that question, I hate smart alek responses.)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Hello, my name is Abbey.  I live with my Mom (Dianna), my Dad(Brett), My three Cats (Cici, Sophie, and Baylee), my dog(Dixie), and hopefully a hamster. I used to live on a peninsula off of Saudi Arabia called Qatar. Me and my parents had (and hope fully will) many great experiences. We have been to Many places around the world. We have now moved back to the USA. I am Going to a new school and have made some fun Friends. Its weird saying the national anthem every day but luckily I remember it. The kids in 6th and 5th grade got a locker. I have learned that you can't open a locker with grease on your hands. My literacy teacher had us write a story about a silly character. My mom helped a little with spelling and stuff. Do you want to hear it? Here it is.

Abellone was a tall, normal girl, with curly hair on one side and straight hair on the other.  She liked to wear silly pants and was always happy, but she only had one problem.  Abellone couldn’t eat right side up. She always had to eat upside down, and if she ate right side up the food would come out her ears. In the morning she had friends. But at lunchtime nobody wanted to sit next to her because they couldn’t see her face, and instead they saw her feet and her silly, silly pants, because she was sitting upside down.
One day Abellone was walking home from school when she saw a store that had a trapeze. Then she got an idea.  She rushed in to the store and asked the clerk, “How much is that trapeze!?”  “$1.95,” the clerk said casually.  Abellone rushed home and burst into the living room.

Now you must know something about Abellone.  When she has an idea she will not rest until it is fulfilled.  For example, once she dreamed up a tree house for a secret club.  She built the tree house by herself, working day and night, until it was finished two days later.

“Hi Abell, -” Abellone cut her mother off.

“I need my allowance!” screamed Abellone.

“It’s on the kitchen counter,” said Abellone’s baffled Mother.  Abellone rushed to the kitchen, grabbed the money, rushed out the door, and ran to the store.  Once Abellone reached the store she grabbed the trapeze threw the money in the clerk’s face and ran out the door.
Abellone walked to school early with her trapeze and some tape and went straight to the cafeteria. She borrowed a ladder from the cleaning man and taped the trapeze to the ceiling.
At lunchtime she hung upside down on the trapeze and started eating upside down. Her friends saw her face and they all wanted to sit next to her. So she kept sitting like that and the more she sat like that the more people wanted to sit next to her. Then, one day the tape that was holding the trapeze up lost all its stickiness during lunch when Abellone was eating her P.B.J.  The tape fell, then the trapeze fell, then Abellone fell while she was swallowing the P.B.J.

The cafeteria got quiet and Abellone was just sitting there waiting for her ears to itch and the P.B.J to shoot out her ears. But it didn’t. It just went down to her stomach.  While sitting on the floor right side up she took a tiny bite and everybody was holding their breath. Nothing happened, she stuffed the whole sandwich in her mouth and nothing happened! Abellone was so happy she started running around the room. Her friends were so excited so they started running around the room too.

When lunch was over the teacher was so astonished that she said the class could have a trapeze party the next day.  Abellone When Abellone’s teacher won the prize for the best swinging she told the class that she was secretly a professional gymnast and once was in the circus.  The whole class was so surprised P.B.Js. shot out their ears.
Did you like it? I certainly hope so! Well ta ta for now! 
Me hugging the dolphins in Dubai
My Grandma (your left), my sister Kristy next to my Grandma, My aunt Marcell  (your right) My sister Mary in law (next to my aunt), and me (if you dont know where I am you are....... never mind)
 My Neice
 My Nephew
 Mom and dad dancing
 An atempt to be cool ninjas
 Mom snaping a shot on picture day
 Me and Dixie My dog
 My Silly nephue
 My silly brother and sister